Always the Woman_peliplat
Always the Woman_peliplat

Always the Woman (1922)

None | USA | None, English | 60 min
Directed by: Arthur Rosson

In ancient Egypt, Queen Neco Tokris angers the high priest by falling in love with a minor cleric. The high priest arranges for his rival to be stoned to death, and the queen, rather than submit, allows herself to be buried alive with her lover's body. Many centuries later, a ship steams toward Cairo, Egypt. Among its passengers are wealthy playboy Reginald Stanhope; vaudeville dancer Celia Thaxter and her manager, Gregory Gallup, who together are maneuvering Reginald into marrying her. Also aboard are Herbert Boone, a shell-shocked drug addict, and his nagging wife, Adele; Kelim Pasha, an Egyptian prince who attracts Adele Boone's affections; and Mahmud, an Egyptian mystic who insists that Celia Thaxter and Herbert Boone are the reincarnations of an ancient Egyptian queen and a priest who sacrificed themselves for their love. He secretly believes himself to be the reincarnation of the high priest who betrayed the queen. Upon their arrival in Cairo, the group sets out across the desert in search of Queen Neco Tokris's tomb, which contains her legendary treasure. Kelim Pasha discloses his evil designs on Celia and the treasure, and brings the caravan under his power. Reginald Stanhope, confessing that he is merely an agent of Kelim Pasha, leaves for help, and dies. A rehabilitated Herbert Boone swears his love for Celia and vows to protect her. When they arrive at Queen Neco Tokris's tomb, Mahmud reveals that there is no treasure, but rather Kelim Pasha's atonement for betraying the queen. Pasha stumbles and falls into a deep pit, and Adele Boone is dragged to her death when she tries to save him, leaving Herbert Boone and Celia Thaxter free to pursue their happiness.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Always the Woman
(Original title)
Japan (Japanese title)
Always the Woman
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes