The Woman Untamed_peliplat
The Woman Untamed_peliplat

The Woman Untamed (1920)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Jack Pratt

During a mutiny on a rum laden ship, the skipper's daughter escapes and swims to a nearby island where the natives are holding a celebration. Because they think that she is the Goddess Nasoni and treat her as such, she adopts their life. Out hunting one day, she meets "The Man" who is on a hunting expedition and knocks him senseless with her club. While nursing him back to health, they fall passionately in love. The chief detects the intruder, but Nasoni introduces him as a god. Then one day a search party finds the man who pleads with Nasoni to leave with him. She refuses, and when the man attempts to carry her away, she knocks him unconscious and has him taken aboard the yacht. When he recovers, he returns to the island, finds Nasoni, and the two are wed.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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