Isle of Doubt_peliplat
Isle of Doubt_peliplat

Isle of Doubt (1922)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: Hamilton Smith

Eleanor Warburton, the daughter of a penniless father and a socially ambitious mother, is loved by wealthy Dean Deland but is interested only in Gerry Patten. A plan is conceived whereby Eleanor will marry Dean and, with Gerry's help, will make his life so miserable that he will divorce her and give her a considerable sum of money. But Dean discovers the plan and retaliates by taking Eleanor and Gerry to a South Sea island. Gerry is exposed as worthless, and the sullen Eleanor is forced to cook or starve. Not until Gerry tries to kill Dean, however, is Eleanor reconciled with her husband.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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