The New Babylon_peliplat
The New Babylon_peliplat

The New Babylon (1929)

G (CA) | Soviet Union | None, Russian | 120 min
Directed by: Grigoriy Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg

In the beginning of the industrial revolution, the Paris Commune was established in 1871 against the rich and the powerful, and violently repressed by the army that remained faithful to a tamer form of Republicanism. How could the love story between a young sales girl and a soldier unable to decide if he was pro or against the radical fashion? Two short months were needed for the answer to be found - in blood and tears, and under rain that washes all past memories. Any day, a New Babylon shop will open with frilly things for the bourgeois girls. The washerwomen will be there to wash them.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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