The Awakening_peliplat
The Awakening_peliplat

The Awakening (1928)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Victor Fleming

In Alsace just before the World War, beautiful, virtuous peasant Marie Ducrot, who falls in love with Count Karl von Hagen--a lieutenant in the German Army--is seen visiting Karl in his quarters, and an angry mob of townspeople hurl stones and curses at her. Marie, mistakenly reported dead, becomes a novice in a religious order. War breaks out, and von Hagen is injured in fighting near Marie's convent; he is cared for by Marie and persuades her to return to Germany with him. Le Bête, a French Army sergeant of their acquaintance, helps them to reach the German lines and safety. Le Bête is killed by a sniper's bullet, and Marie and Karl prepare for a brighter future.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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