Flying Romeos_peliplat
Flying Romeos_peliplat

Flying Romeos (1928)

15 (SE) | USA | None | 70 min
Directed by: Mervyn LeRoy

Cohen (Sidney) and Cohan (Murray) are partners in a barber shop, always squabbling with each other, both being smitten by their beautiful manicure girl. She is fascinated only with aviators, so, determined to win her, both take up flying. They find themselves in the same aeroplane, taking beginner's lessons, fighting with each other and causing the craft to do all sorts of random crazy turns and loop-the-loops. This impresses the plane's owner so much, he commissions them to do a Lindbergh-like "Hop" across the ocean. They miraculously make the flight, but in the end, they find another pilot has married the girl.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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