Her Market Value_peliplat
Her Market Value_peliplat

Her Market Value (1925)

Passed (US) | USA | None, English |
Directed by: Paul Powell

Harvey Dumont loses his entire fortune in the stock market and commits suicide, leaving his wife, Nancy, "in trust" to three of his friends, Cyrus Hamilton, Courtney Brooks, and Anthony Davis. The three men meet to decide the fate of the penniless Nancy, and each makes a generous contribution to her welfare by buying shares in "the Dumont stock." Nancy uses the $40,000 she receives to pay off her husband's debts, then takes a job as Cyrus's secretary. However, he has a more-than-friendly interest in the beautiful young woman and seeks to buy out his partners. Cyrus discovers Nancy and Courtney in a compromising situation and forces the latter to part with his share. He then attempts to bankrupt Anthony by giving him bad information through a crooked broker. Anthony discovers the plot and makes a fortune despite this trickery. Courtney conspires with Bernice Hamilton to place Cyrus in a compromising situation with the innocent Nancy, but Anthony thwarts the plan. After receiving a minor gunshot wound from Anthony, Cyrus reconciles with his wife. Anthony buys out his partner's shares and confesses his love for Nancy.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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