Riot Squad_peliplat
Riot Squad_peliplat

Riot Squad (1933)

A (GB) | USA | English | 62 min
Directed by: Harry S. Webb

The gangster moll Lil Daley is assigned to lure handsome detective Bob Larkin to an apartment where the gangster Diamonds Jareck is lying in wait. However, Larkin escapes and instead falls in love with Lil, who is being courted by detective Mack McCue. The rivalry of Bob and Mack has them demoted to the riot squad, where they continue to fight over Lil. When it appears that Lil is involved in the kidnapping of the Judge Nathaniel Moore's daughter Peggy, Larkin denounces her. Lil is being blackmailed by Diamonds, however.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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