Rainbow on the River_peliplat
Rainbow on the River_peliplat

Rainbow on the River (1936)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 87 min
Directed by: Kurt Neumann

Young Phillip Ainsworth (Bobby Breen), orphaned by the U.S. Civil War, has been lovingly raised by former slave Toinette (Louise Beavers), who has big plans for him: she has saved her money to send him to a private school. But when the local priest, Father Josef (Henry O'Neill), finds Phillip's family living in New York, the boy is sent north to live with people who refuse to accept him as their own. His only friend is the butler, Barrett (Charles Butterworth). But his curmodgeonly grandmother (May Robson) is finally broken down by the boy's charm and good manners, and all ends happily. Along the way Breen has ample opportunity to show off his voice by singing several songs, including three renditions of the title song.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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