Behind the Mike_peliplat
Behind the Mike_peliplat

Behind the Mike (1937)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 68 min
Directed by: Sidney Salkow

In this The "NEW" Universal presentation, high-tempered New York radio producer George Hayes quarrels with Cyrus Wittles, sponsor of the Crunchie Munchie Hour, and loses his job. He hears that station WBAM in Valley Falls needs a new manager and heads there. Stumbling into the wrong station, WVOX, he meets Jane Arledge, program manager for local town-magnate, Harry Fox. She directs him to WBAM and he finds it is a collection of junk in an abandoned stable. Humiliated, he boasts to Jane that he will put the old station on its feet again. He sends for his announcer friend, Tiny Martin, after convincing station-owner Pete Jones that Martin can give valuable aid in reviving the station. Merchants fear to use WBAM, although they despise Fox and his crony, Mayor Applegate, who is up for re-election. Learning that the merchants are holding a secret meeting, George uses a ruse to broadcast their suspicions about Fox and Applegate. They repudiate the statements, but George prepares another strong blast against them for a later broadcast. This angers Janes, who believes the attacks on her boss are unjustified and she tells George he should return to New York. While George waits for his train, Jane learns that Fox and Applegate have connived to loot the town treasury and, with Martin, she rushes to WBAM and adds her own evidence to the charges prepared previously by George and reads them over the air.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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