Hamilton MacFadden
Stars (in credits order)
Warner Baxter
Lawrence Cromwell
Madge Evans
Mary Adams
James Dunn
Jimmy Dugan
Sylvia Froos
John Boles
Arthur Byron
John Harly
Shirley Temple
Shirley Dugan
Ralph Morgan
Secretary to President
Jimmy Dallas
Boy Scout
Tess Gardella
Aunt Jemima
Frank Mitchell
Senator Danforth
Jack Durant
Senator Short
Dick Foran
Nick Foran
Nigel Bruce
John 'Skins' Miller
Stepin Fetchit
George Bernard Shaw
Jean Allen
Dancer (uncredited)
Dorothy Andre
Morris Ankrum
Washington Press Correspondent (uncredited)
George K. Arthur
Dance Director (uncredited)
Zita Baca
Lynn Bari
White House Secretary (uncredited)
Bonita Barker
Deslys Barnes
Jane Barnes
Angie (uncredited)
Ruth Beckett
Child's Mother (uncredited)
Scotty Beckett
Boy Auditioning for Miss Adams (uncredited)
Mary Blackwood
Angela Blue
Audrene Brier
Lew Brown
Voice of Jimmy Durante Penguin (uncredited) (voice)
Bobby Caldwell
General Lee (uncredited)
Mary Jane Carey
Lorena Carr
Wallis Clark
Senator (uncredited)
Gilbert Clayton
Quartet Member (uncredited)
Dora Clement
Secretary (uncredited)
Ruth Clifford
John Davidson
Blue Nose Hour Radio Announcer (uncredited) (voice)
Grace Davies
Dorothy Dayton
Toe Dancer (uncredited)
Dixie Dean
Shirley Deane
Dale Dee
Dorothy Dehn
Clyde Dilson
Correspondent (uncredited)
Betty Dotson
Elspeth Dudgeon
Reformer (uncredited)
Harry Dunkinson
Edward Earle
Secret Service Man (uncredited)
Celeste Edwards
Eleanor Edwards
Margaret Ehrlich
Helen Fairweather
Patricia Farr
Minor Role (uncredited)
Martha Fields
Bess Flowers
Stenographer (uncredited)
Dixie Francis
Diane Gardner
Zumetta Garnett
Carlton Griffin
Dorothy Gulliver
Harriette Haddon
Beatrice Hagen
John Hamilton
Presidential Naval Aide (uncredited)
Margaret Harding
Sam Hayes
Radio Announcer (uncredited)
Earlene Heath
Aggie Herring
Irish Washerwoman (uncredited)
Philippa Hilber
Chorine (uncredited)
David Holt
Boy at Audition for Miss Adams (uncredited)
Arthur Stuart Hull
Selmer Jackson
White House Correspondent (uncredited)
Si Jenks
Rube Farmer (uncredited)
Ruth Jennings
Crystal Keate
Eve Kimberly
Nora Lane
Lila Lee
Zelda (uncredited)
Patricia Lee
Featured Blonde in Baby Take a Bow Number (uncredited)
Lucien Littlefield
Professor Hi De Ho (uncredited)
Arthur Loft
Ula Love
Wilbur Mack
Beamish (uncredited)
Joe Smith Marba
Elephant Trainer (uncredited)
Miriam Marlin
Fashion Model (uncredited)
Tina Marshall
Boy's Mother (uncredited)
Paul McVey
Senator Jenkins (uncredited)
Frank Melton
Fosdick (uncredited)
Lucille Miller
Montie Montana
Rope Spinner (uncredited)
Frances Morris
Mildred Morris
Laura Morse
Inez Mortensen
Edmund Mortimer
Anne Nagel
Harry Northrup
Dagmar Oakland
Jessie Perry
Toddy Peterson
Herbert Prior
Baby Alice Raetz
Child (uncredited)
The Randall Sisters
Hillbilly Singers (uncredited)
Rolin Ray
Jack Richardson
Marjean Roach
Jean Rogers
Gale Ronn
Marion Sheldon
Frank Sheridan
Reginald Simpson
Paul Stanton
Mary Stewart
Carl Stockdale
Amy Sureau
Phil Tead
Vaudevillian (uncredited)
Lurene Tuttle
Arthur Vinton
Turner (uncredited)
Glen Walters
Hillbilly's Wife (uncredited)
Dorothy Ward
Peggy Watts
Zelda Webber
Marion Weldon
Lillian West
Dorothy White
Gayne Whitman
President (uncredited) (voice)
Vivian Winston
Marbeth Wright
Chorus Girl (uncredited)