Up Goes Maisie_peliplat
Up Goes Maisie_peliplat
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Up Goes Maisie (1946)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 89 min
Directed by: Harry Beaumont

In the ninth entry of this ten-film series, Maisie (Ann Sothern) graduates from business college and disguises herself as a spinsterish frump in order (based on eight past experiences) to keep wolfish prospective employees in line. She gets a job with Joseph Morton (George Murphy) who, with some other returning vets, has perfected an automatically-controlled helicopter. A double-crossing tycoon tries to beat the boys out of their invention, but Maisie discovers the plot and all ends well, but not before Maisie finds herself piloting the helicopter through downtown Los Angeles to a landing in the Pasadena Rose Bowl.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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