Nosotros los pobres_peliplat
Nosotros los pobres_peliplat

Nosotros los pobres (1948)

Not Rated (US) | Mexico | Spanish | 128 min
Directed by: Ismael Rodríguez

Two kids take a book from a trash can. They begin to read the story of a poor neighborhood in Mexico City. Carpenter Pepe "El Toro" (Infante) lives with his daughter Chachita (Munoz) and woos pretty "Chorreada" (Pavon). Around them, a group of fellows live their lives in many ways: a pair of always-drunk women known as "La Tostada" (The Toast) and "La Guayaba" (The Guava); a beautiful woman (Jurado) who always oversleeps; a hooker with pneumonia (La Tisica) with a dark past. Tragedy comes when Pepe is falsely accused of robbery and sent to the jail.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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