Behind City Lights_peliplat
Behind City Lights_peliplat

Behind City Lights (1945)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 68 min
Directed by: John English

Jean Lowell, an unsophisticated girl who has spent all of her life on a farm, is about to marry Ben Coleman, a neighboring young farmer, but an automobile crash interrupts the wedding. Crash victims Lance Marlowe and Perry Borden are carried into the house and the wedding is postponed. At first sight of Lance, Jean falls in love with him. In a few days, fully recovered, the two men return to New York. Ben releases Jean from their engagement and Aunt Sarah gives the girl her life savings to make possible a trip to New York City. Arriving in the big city, Jean stays at a fine hotel, acquires a fine wardrobe, and visits with Lance all the places she has read about. She is blissfully happy , completely unaware that Perry and Lance are notorious jewel thieves. Trapped through an uncut diamond Lance has given Jean to be set in an engagement ring, he and Perry - in attempting to elude the police - wreck their car and are killed. Jean, too proud to go home, remains in New York and obtains work. Ben, suspecting that something is wrong, seeks her out; together they return to the farm.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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