Hans Majestät får vänta_peliplat
Hans Majestät får vänta_peliplat

Hans Majestät får vänta (1945)

Btl (SE) | Sweden | Swedish | 91 min
Directed by: Gustaf Edgren

Carl-Johan Stjärna is one of the chamberlains at the royal castle in Stockholm. However, being a member of the aristocracy unfortunately does not mean that he is affluent, in fact his life is a constant search for money. Luckily, his trusted manservant Frans can go to the pawnshop around the corner and get money in exchange for his uniform. But what shall he do now, when he has been sent for to come to the castle - and his uniform is at the pawnshop?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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