Never Take No for an Answer_peliplat
Never Take No for an Answer_peliplat

Never Take No for an Answer (1951)

U (GB) | UK, Italy | Italian, English | 82 min
Directed by: Maurice Cloche, Ralph Smart

Peppino, the endearing young hero of this beautiful fable, although he is a priest's friend, is not understood by the almighty clergy. His donkey is ill and he believes that Saint Francis of Assisi (Peppino lives in Assisi) can cure his pet. After all, he healed his pal's kitten; but to get a donkey into a crypt comes against a refusal. Nevertheless, the boy never takes no for an answer and he will walk all the way to Rome to see the Holy Father.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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