The Tougher They Come_peliplat
The Tougher They Come_peliplat

The Tougher They Come (1950)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 69 min
Directed by: Ray Nazarro

Lumberjack Joe MacKinley (Preston Foster) inherits a valuable tract of forestland which is coveted by a large lumber company. He and his new bride, Helen (Kay Buckley), start a logging operation but quickly run into trouble because of a series of sabotage events, staged to look like accidents by their foreman, Gus Williams (William Bishop), who is working for the lumber combine. Joe is nearly broke and about to sell out cheaply when an old friend, Bill Shaw (Wayne Morris), comes to his rescue as a partner. To force the partners to sell, Williams starts a forest fire.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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