Story of a Beloved Wife_peliplat
Story of a Beloved Wife_peliplat

Story of a Beloved Wife (1951)

None | Japan | Japanese | 97 min
Directed by: Kaneto Shindô

Shindo's directorial debut is the fictionalized account of the death of his first wife. Following the breakout of the Pacific War, the Japanese film industry was forcibly downsized. Numazaki, a mediocre screenwriter, faces imminent dismissal. His wife Takako encourages him to seek work in Kyoto. Numazaki fails his aptitude test, which is to write a script for the famous but demanding director Sakaguchi (a veiled reference for Kenji Mizoguchi). Takako offers to support his husband for a year, so that he can hone his craft from scratch.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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