Edward, My Son_peliplat
Edward, My Son_peliplat
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Edward, My Son (1949)

Not Rated (US) | UK, USA | English | 112 min
Directed by: George Cukor

Londoners Arnold and Evelyn Boult had high hopes for their son Edward's life; his relatively-short life was one of privilege and irresponsibility. It ended at age twenty-three when he was killed in battle in World War II. Arnold recounts pivotal moments in his son's life, such as a serious medical issue at age five, near-expulsion from a prestigious private school at age twelve, and impregnating a girl he had no intention of marrying at age twenty, and the extreme measures Arnold took to protect his son's name. But other things Arnold did throughout Edward's life, like having an extramarital affair, show that he acted more for his own happiness and standing in the community, which eventually included being dubbed a Lord. His actions have dire consequences for many, including Evelyn, who begins to hate her husband and sadly admits that she never really understood or knew her son. But after Edward's death, old family friend Dr. Larry Woodhope does his small part to ensure that Arnold's family legacy cannot continue.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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