Die Geschichte vom armen Hassan_peliplat
Die Geschichte vom armen Hassan_peliplat

Die Geschichte vom armen Hassan (1958)

0 (DE) | East Germany | German | 60 min
Directed by: Gerhard Klein

Hassan lives somewhere in Central Asia in a sparse and dry landscape. While most people in this area have hardly enough water to survive, the rich merchant Machmud is the owner of a grand fountain. When one day Hassan's companion, a parrot, sits down upon the brink of the fountain it is attacked by the merchant's watchdog. In order to save the parrot, Hassan sees no other possibility than to kill the dog. As a punishment, Hassan has to replace the watchdog and sit on the estate tied to a leash. A little while later a horse is stolen. From now on, Hassan has to take over the watchdog's responsibilities as well. Only Fatima, a beautiful slave, brings light and hope in his life. Nevertheless, Hassan endures his punishment because he thinks of it as God-given. When he finally realizes that not God but in fact the rich people make the rules, he starts to rebel. He opens the gates to Machmud's gardens and lets all people drink from the large fountain.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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