It Only Happened Once_peliplat
It Only Happened Once_peliplat

It Only Happened Once (1958)

12 (XWG) | West Germany | German | 105 min
Directed by: Géza von Bolváry

Sabine Schröder, who works as a hairdresser's assistant in a small town, feels called to higher things: to acting. She gets on everyone's nerves with her madness: her boss, her parents and above all her fiancé, the car mechanic Jürgen. One day, when Schröders received a letter from a Berlin film company, the father burned it unread. Out of disappointment, anger and defiance, Sabine packs her bags and makes her way to Berlin, where the film festival is taking place. She goes to the film company's Atelier Tempelhof, where she first gets lost in the decorations before finally arriving at the production management, where she is told that the letter was a rejection. On a walk through the studio, however, the dejected Sabine has to realize that film life definitely has its downsides.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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