Kiss Them for Me_peliplat
Kiss Them for Me_peliplat
Play trailer

Kiss Them for Me (1957)

Approved (US) | USA | English | 105 min
Directed by: Stanley Donen

Three decorated Navy pilots finagle a four day leave in San Francisco. They procure a posh suite at the hotel and Commander Crewson, a master of procurement, arranges to populate it with party people. Lieutenant Wallace is trying to get the pilots to make speeches to rally the homefront at shipyard magnate Eddie Turnbill's plants, but they're tired of the war and just want to have fun. While Crewson begins falling in love with Turnbill's fiancée Gwinneth Livingston, he tries to ignore the distant call of war.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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