Play trailer

Thirst (1957)

Not Rated (US) | India | Hindi | 146 min
Directed by: Guru Dutt

Vijay a poet whose work is not taken seriously by the publishers even his elder brothers dislike him for the same and want him to find a suitable job.Due to all this Vijay leaves his house and starts living alone where once he encounters a prostitute Gulabo murmuring his poem and follows her but she feels he is an impostor.But Gulabo soon realizes her mistake and meets him and both develop feeling for each other he comes across Ghosh a publisher who wants to publish his poems but in turn hires him as a servant.Vijay finds that his former lover Meena is married to Ghosh for financial security and when Ghosh finds about it he fires him from work.Vijay is again left jobless and no where a beggar whom Vijay gave his coat meets with a train accident and everyone believes he is dead.But Vijay is very much alive and tries to prove his identity but his sent to an asylum where his brothers and Ghosh refuse to identify him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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