Young Aphrodites_peliplat
Young Aphrodites_peliplat

Young Aphrodites (1963)

K-12 (GR) | Greece | Greek | 88 min
Directed by: Nikos Koundouros

Parallel stories of Eros set in 200 B.C. Nomadic shepherds, plagued by drought, happen on a fishing encampment with plentiful fresh water. The local men are away but will return when it rains; the shepherds stay to refresh their flock until the rain comes. A shepherd lad and a local girl, both on the verge of puberty, start a mating dance. Also, one of the shepherds approaches a beautiful local woman, inviting her to sleep with him. How will she respond? She's married, her husband at sea for the week. Is love forever or temporary? A subtext dramatizes the capture of fish, birds, foxes, and other animals: their fates seem arbitrary.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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