Cruel Story of Youth_peliplat
Cruel Story of Youth_peliplat
Play trailer

Cruel Story of Youth (1960)

Not Rated (US) | Japan | Japanese | 96 min
Directed by: Nagisa Ôshima

Kiyoshi is a brooding young man who treats women solely as objects. Makoto is a young woman who is just reaching her sexual awakening. She and her friends accept car rides from middle-aged men, saying it's nothing more than fun and they have no intention of leading on those men. Kiyoshi and Makoto meet when he saves her from one of those middle-aged men trying to take advantage of her. Despite abusing each other, they start a relationship which leads to what they call love, but feels more like an emotional dependence on each other to rebel against traditional society. Neither has money, so they start to extort money from these middle-aged men of hers. This is only one demonstration of the only power they feel they have: sex, which they use against others as well as each other in their doomed relationship.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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