Los atracadores_peliplat
Los atracadores_peliplat

Los atracadores (1962)

K-16 (FI) | Spain | Spanish | 109 min
Directed by: Francisco Rovira Beleta

The film is divided into three parts: 'Restlessness', 'Violence' and 'Death', to explain the motivations, evolution and defeat of three young misfits from Barcelona who end up being robbers. The way of crime is an easy way for them: a boy and a worker without a job or benefit are induced by 'el Señorito', the son of a rich lawyer. Together they form a band. Hard and violent, the film is made with a clear intention of social criticism and research of realism, culminating in a final scene that raised quite controversial.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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