Who Killed Johnny R.?_peliplat
Who Killed Johnny R.?_peliplat

Who Killed Johnny R.? (1966)

16 (XWG) | Spain, West Germany | German | 91 min
Directed by: José Luis Madrid

Captain Conroy's family dies in a fire, the result of a battle between lawmen and the cohorts of outlaw gunslinger Johnny Ringo. Though Ringo is presumed dead in the fire, Conroy does not believe it and sets out to track down the gunman. Meantime, Sam Bodie takes a job as a gun salesman and hires fast gun Clyde Smith to demonstrate his weapons. Smith is such a good shot that people begin to believe he is the legendary Johnny Ringo, escaped from the fire presumed to have killed him. Only Ringo's girlfriend Bea knows for sure who the real Johnny Ringo is, and she's not saying... for now.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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