Racing Fever_peliplat
Racing Fever_peliplat

Racing Fever (1964)

A (GB) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: William Grefé

Pop Gunner is an aging champion hydroplane racer who's preparing for his last race before handing the reigns over to his hunky son, Lee (Joe Morrison) But Pop's nemesis, Gregg Stevenson (Charles G. Martin), a rich cad who is not only the current champ, but is also having an extramarital fling with Pop's young, confused daughter, Linda (Maxine Carroll). Cocky Gregg also like to booze it up and prepares for the big race by downing a bottle of whiskey while slobbering over Linda. As the International (aquatic) Grand Prix gets underway, Pop and Gregg go head to head in their slick speedboats. But just when it looks like Pop is going to retire with a big win, his boat flips over and a drunken Gregg runs over him in gory fashion. After Gregg's money helps him escape any penalty for Pop s death, Lee mopes around his waterfront shack and tries to talk some sense into Linda who is still infatuated with Gregg. Lee's burning hatred for Gregg is further tested when he falls head over heels for Gregg's daughter, Connie (Barbara Biggart), a hot young thing who hates her father but loves his wallet. While Lee and Connie proclaim their love for each other in a snazzy lounge club, Gregg hits on the barmaid who dons a red, skin-tight leotard and performs an amazing dance to an instrumental version of the song 'Racing Fever'. Back at his hotel room, Gregg and his new conquest are interrupted by the arrival of Linda who joyfully reveals that she's pregnant with Gregg's baby. But her happiness is short lived when Gregg quickly reaches for the phone and arranges for an abortion.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Racing Fever
(Original title)
Racing Fever
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes