Darling, Stay at Home_peliplat
Darling, Stay at Home_peliplat

Darling, Stay at Home (1967)

None | Hong Kong | Mandarin | 94 min
Directed by: Tian-Lin Wang

The misadventures of a beautiful but bored housewife Wang Yui-chuan and her chauvinistic salary-man husband Chang Wei-min reaches madcap proportions upon his denying her the opportunity to work outside the home. With calculating smarts, Wang takes action with the help of her scheming neighbors Lily and her mother Mrs. Hsu to change her identity and land a situation in her husband's firm where she successfully advances within the ranks in direct competition with Chang for promotion. A madcap comedy of errors ensue.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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