Goodbye Life_peliplat
Goodbye Life_peliplat

Goodbye Life (1960)

None | Greece | Greek | 93 min
Directed by: Orestis Laskos

Smitten by an unjust fate and an equally deadly disease, Anna Vergi, a once-blissful mother-of-one and now a terminally ill woman, finds out that she has only a few months to live. As the stoic wife comes to terms with her irrevocable condition, she summons up the courage to fight, and with the aid of her physician and trusted friend, Dr Stefanos Vranas, designs a desperate plan behind the back of her loving husband, Dimitris. Under those circumstances, only the happiness of the unaware spouse and their little daughter matters, and Anna will do everything in her power to make sure that they'll both have all they need to move on after she's gone. Will they ever know how brave she was?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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