Kick the Thieves Out!_peliplat
Kick the Thieves Out!_peliplat

Kick the Thieves Out! (1961)

K (GR) | Greece | Greek | 87 min
Directed by: Kostas Andritsos

Smitten with a serious illness, the founder of a thriving steel industry decides to transfer his shares to his estranged brother: the humble schoolteacher, Timoleon. As a result, the company's new, honest, and above all, incorruptible manager is entrusted with the heavy burden of reorganising the firm; however, right from the start, suspicious discrepancies stand in the way. Now, if Timoleon doesn't take drastic measures, undoubtedly, the company will face insurmountable problems. Before long, Timoleon will unearth the culprits. Will he show the shameless thieves the door?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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