Second Life_peliplat
Second Life_peliplat

Second Life (2000)

Tous publics (FR) | France | French | 100 min
Directed by: Patrick Braoudé

1982: World Soccer Cup: France against Germany.France looses the match and it's a national drama.Vincent , a 30 years old, is an immature man.When Laure asks him to build with her a family, Vincent is not able to take a decision.This night Vincent is victim of a car accident who sends him 16 years later on July 12th 1998.Just the night before the great soccer match France against Brazil for the World Soccer Cup 1998.Vincent is now in a new world: Jacques Chirac is president and there are a lot cybercafes.Besides he is married with Sonia, has a daughter and general manager of an important company.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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