El amor no es negocio_peliplat
El amor no es negocio_peliplat

El amor no es negocio (1950)

None | Mexico | Spanish |
Directed by: Jaime Salvador

A naive and trusting trusting brother and sister team finally realize their shared dream of leaving their small, boring rural town, where everyone knows each other and their goings-on and are headed for the thrill, excitement and anonymity of the Big City, with its brightly lit and crowded night clubs, cabarets and dance halls. Once there, they meet up with an unsavory gigolo and con-man who "befriends" the innocent and unaware, while on the lookout to to take advantage of any fresh-faced and pretty young girls who are drawn to the city's nightclubs like moths to a flame.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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