Becoming Rebecca_peliplat
Becoming Rebecca_peliplat

Becoming Rebecca (1996)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Steve Tackitt

Becky Wyatt attends college and works helping poor, elderly people with chores. A mysterious man stalks Becky. Fueled by harassment and loneliness, Becky plans to return home. Becky stays for one last day of work. Becky first visits Ella, a poet. The stalker calls threatening Becky, but Ella tells that toughness and wit can protect anyone. Becky then visits Tillie, a seventy year-old alcoholic schizophrenic. Tillie's ex-convict nephew accosts Becky and she defends herself with a weapon Ella provided. Tillie later provides a premonition. Becky's final visit is to Harlan, an elderly egocentric crook. The stalker calls, but, using Tillie's premonition, Becky identifies the caller. She then survives a geriatric gangster shoot-out and an attack from the stalker. Becky faces her fears and becomes Rebecca.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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