Po tu storonu_peliplat
Po tu storonu_peliplat

Po tu storonu (1958)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 101 min
Directed by: Fyodor Filippov

Komsomol members Matveev and Bezays, who arrived in Chita, at that time the capital of the Far Eastern Republic, are given the task of crossing the front line to the rear of the whites and getting to the partisan headquarters located in the village of Anuchino. In Khabarovsk, Matveev wants to meet Liza, with whom he is in love, but on the way he loses his leg as a result of a serious injury. Liza refuses Matveev after learning about his disability, but his girlfriend Varya, whom he saved from the hands of anarchists, devotedly loves him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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