Operasjon V for vanvidd_peliplat
Operasjon V for vanvidd_peliplat

Operasjon V for vanvidd (1970)

16 (NO) | Norway | Norwegian | 88 min
Directed by: Rolf Clemens

The story of the scheduled flight from Oslo to Tromsø, which is forced by 5 armed youths to land on the new Haukelivegen, is a good basis for a modern film that also deals with kidnapping and political settlement. Totto Osvold plays the TV reporter who works on his own outside the police, and the female detective who gets the case is played by Veslemøy Haslund. We meet e.g. Wenche Foss as the Minister of Justice and Alf Nordhus in his first feature film as the Attorney General. The 5 juvenile delinquents are hand-picked types.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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