I amartia tis omorfias_peliplat
I amartia tis omorfias_peliplat

I amartia tis omorfias (1972)

None | Greece | Greek | 94 min
Directed by: Giannis Dalianidis

Behind the back of his powerful shipowner mother and against her will, the young heir of her shipping business empire, Alekos Vlastos, decides to follow his heart and gets married to the charming but poor winner of the annual Greek beauty pageant, Rena Asteriou. However--as the matriarch's subtle contempt towards her humble daughter-in-law quickly turns into unrelenting animosity--a tragic miscarriage paired with a malicious sabotage in one of the family's cargo ships will lead to a head-on mother/son confrontation and a shocking revelation. Will things ever be the same again?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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