The Sun Rises in the West_peliplat
The Sun Rises in the West_peliplat

The Sun Rises in the West (1933)

None | Soviet Union | Russian |
Directed by: Pavel Yashkov

Germany in the early 1930s. The country is in the grip of a severe economic crisis. A workers' strike break out in one of the large factories owned by the capitalist Scheckart. Under the strong influence of the 'right-wing' Social Democrats (SPD), the strikers, following their calls, are ready to end the resistance. However, the practice of the revolutionary struggle shows the strikers that this decision is wrong. The strikers are evicted from their apartments. They try in vain to find shelter for their families under the arches of the city bridges - police orders to raise the water levels. Making sure that they would not get along with the 'social traitors' (SPD), the workers joins the communists.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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