Byron: Ballad for a Daemon_peliplat
Byron: Ballad for a Daemon_peliplat

Byron: Ballad for a Daemon (1992)

None | Greece, Russia | English, Greek | 138 min
Directed by: Nikos Koundouros

January 1824. Already three years into the costly war against the tyrannical Ottoman Empire, the English romanticist, Lord Byron, arrives at battle-scarred Missolonghi, after the Second Siege. Desirous of joining the cause for liberty, Lord Byron selflessly offers his help to the Greek Revolution, eager to prove his worth and even die a glorious death on the battlefield. Instead, Byron, the zealous philhellene and general of an undisciplined army of combat-unfit peasants and adventurers, finds himself in a scorched strange land, getting ready for a battle that will never take place. Now, amid death and chaos, incessant fever, forbidden desires, and the terrible ghosts of the past start to take over the tormented poet who senses that the end is near. Who will sing a ballad for a demon?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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