massage scene where a boner is seen, albeit with a towel over it
The movie begins with a woman moaning and having sex. You see no nudity but some thrusting.
A man sleeps with his college professor. All is seen is post-sex. They lay in bed naked but covered up and the man questions her if she is sleeping with other people. They later have sex again and while in the act he tells her to look into his eyes and he asks who are the students she's sleeping with.
A woman and a man have sex in the woods. It is implied that he has penetrated her from behind. She is moving very proactively. No nudity is shown.
A woman insinuates she is attracted to another woman, but nothing happens.
Two women talk about their lesbian relationship and the threesomes they have with a man.
A man is on drugs and asks women 'Are you sure we didn't have sex? Are you sure you don't want my penis inside your vagina?'
While a man is hallucinating on drugs he sees a naked woman walking out of a painting.
A man takes pictures of a threesome. Some nudity is seen.