Stoovertpuram Police Station_peliplat
Stoovertpuram Police Station_peliplat

Stoovertpuram Police Station (1991)

U (IN) | India | Telugu, Hindi | 148 min
Directed by: Veerendranath Yandamoori

The village of Stoovertpuram has always lived in fear and loathing of the police, who they see as a major force of oppression, and a toy of the rich, wealthy and influential, and will have nothing to do with them. When a policeman comes to their village, he gets the same reaction as that of a gang of thugs and robbers, with everyone running, hiding, and closing all doors and windows. In this atmosphere comes Inspector Rana Pratap, a young man who has grown in this small community, and who has vowed to change the way in which the police are perceived.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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