Ali Pasha and Mrs Frosyni_peliplat
Ali Pasha and Mrs Frosyni_peliplat

Ali Pasha and Mrs Frosyni (1959)

None | Greece | Greek | 88 min
Directed by: Stefanos Stratigos

In early-19th-century Ioannina, Greece, under the thumb of the tyrannical Ottoman Empire, the charming first-born son of the autocratic Ali Pasha, Muhtar Bey, and the statuesque Greek widow, Frosyni, secretly fall in love. However, the dangerous clandestine affair of the mismatched lovers grabs the attention of Muhtar's vindictive wife, Hanife, who, without a second thought and blind with jealousy, demands the lady's punishment. As a result, as Muhtar tries to suppress a mutiny in the city of Adrianople, the lewd Ali Pasha decides to grant the wish of his spiteful daughter-in-law and condemns the young adulteress to death in the silent Lake of Ioannina. Now, the lake's dark and deep waters await proud Frosyni. Is there an escape from the judgement and wrath of the Pasha?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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