Conflict of Emotions_peliplat
Conflict of Emotions_peliplat

Conflict of Emotions (1971)

18 (NL) | Greece | Greek | 102 min
Directed by: Omiros Efstratiadis

Tony, a young addict, crosses paths with a dangerous gang of drug dealers. When a gang member meets an untimely end, Tony catches the eye of Vasilis, who pulls him deeper into the treacherous underworld. Soon, Tony finds himself facing a chilling ultimatum from the ringleader, Inglesis: kill Inglesis' wife, Olga, or face certain death. But as Tony reluctantly agrees to this deadly task, he uncovers surprising truths about Olga's past. Will he follow the plan, or will conflicting emotions drive him to a breaking point?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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