Vanilla Sky_peliplat
Vanilla Sky_peliplat
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Vanilla Sky (2001)

R (US) | USA | English, Spanish | 136 min
Directed by: Cameron Crowe

David Aames Jr. wakes up in prison, his face disfigured, his memories are very confused, and he is accused of murdering his ex-lover, but he claims he didn't do it. All he remembers is his girlfriend Sofia, but there is no record of her actually existing. Now David must figure out what was reality and what was a dream, while trying to prove that he is not a murderer. With exceptional performances by Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, and Cameron Dias, you can't miss this surprising and dark thriller that will completely grab you from beginning to end.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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