The House of Pleasures_peliplat
The House of Pleasures_peliplat

The House of Pleasures (1961)

X (GB) | Greece | Greek | 88 min
Directed by: George Zervoulakos

Accused of stabbing his nightclub singer mistress to death, unscrupulous dockhand Christos is on the run. But it's not that Christos hadn't had a brush with the law before. After all, he has always lived on the fringes of society. This time, however, he is with his back to the wall. As the police close in on him, Christos seeks shelter in an old flame's house to lie low, unaware that things have changed. But Christos swears he's innocent; he may be a scum, but he's not a murderer. Who knows what happened behind the closed doors of the port's seedy House of Pleasure? Could the harbour bum be telling the truth?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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