Her Social Value_peliplat
Her Social Value_peliplat

Her Social Value (1921)

None | USA | None | 60 min
Directed by: Jerome Storm

Salesgirl Marion Hoyte, unlike the other members of her family, seeks to better her situation; hence, when she accidentally becomes acquainted with young architect James Lodge, who clears her of the charge of stealing a customer's purse, Marion accepts his attentions. Leroy, a suitor for Marion, and her sister Bertha object, but Marion soon becomes engaged to James. Shipley, a financier, plans that James will marry his daughter, Gwendolyn, and will be engaged to plan the new state capitol building; but when Marion and James are married, Shipley withdraws his support and Marion is snubbed by James's social set. Determined not to ruin her husband's career, Marion arranges a fake elopement with Clifford Trent. However, Marion learns that James has been injured in a western mining camp, soon she goes to his aid; and through this twist of fate their love is reawakened.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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