Flashing Fangs_peliplat
Flashing Fangs_peliplat

Flashing Fangs (1926)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Henry McCarty

Dan Emory, a miner in the Sierras, tries to beat "Red" Saunders for mistreating his dog, Ranger; but Saunders bests him and turns the dog on the beaten man. The dog instinctively protects Dan and afterwards takes up with the miner. Dan arouses the interest of Bessie, daughter of Andrew Lang, a local farmer, though Lang is doubtful about him. When Dan is injured in a mine explosion, he sends Ranger for help, and Bessie protects the dog from settlers who think he has assaulted a child. Later, Dan strikes ore, and Saunders tries to steal the claim but is beaten by Dan. Saunders kills Lang in an argument; and Dan, accused of the crime, is about to be lynched when Ranger arrives with a note from Bessie, who has been kidnapped; Bessie is rescued from the villain's clutches and reunited with Dan.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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