Better the Devil You Know_peliplat
Better the Devil You Know_peliplat

Better the Devil You Know (1946)

None | Greece | Greek | 82 min
Directed by: Alekos Sakellarios

Following the end of World War II, Fani, a beautiful woman with a heart of gold, falls head-over-heels in love with Johnny, a British soldier, who's promised her the stars and the moon. But, before long, Johnny will show his true colours when he learns that Fani is pregnant with his child, deciding to abandon her without a second thought. Now, poor Fani finds no meaning in life; however, only moments before doing something foolish, a chivalrous Greek lad comes to her rescue. Was Fani meant to find love in her neighbourhood?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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