Poyezdka v Visbaden_peliplat
Poyezdka v Visbaden_peliplat

Poyezdka v Visbaden (1990)

None | Soviet Union, Austria, Czechoslovakia | Russian | 85 min
Directed by: Evgeniy Gerasimov

A young traveler Dmitriy Sanin, staying in Frankfurt, falls in love with an Italian girl Jemma whose mother was a café owner. Jemma reciprocates with love and young people decide to get married. But they need money for this, and Sanin makes a decision to sell his small property. His property is bought by his old friend's wife Maria Nikolaevna Polozova... Attracted by her beauty, Sanin forgets all the vows he gave to Jemma and breaks her sincere love.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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