No sex scenes or nudity. Sexual dialog. Several slang terms for sex acts. Sexual gestures. A woman performs a seductive dance.
Violence & Gore
A number of people shot, though mostly just off camera. Mentioned that a woman was raped. Several fights. Several people punched. A person hit with a blunt object. Several people chocked. Implied a person kicked in the groin repeatedly. Implied several people punched repeatedly.
40 f-words, over 20 s-words, 13 b---h, 12 h--l, , 11 d--n, 5 b-----d. Slang terms for anatomy. Several obscene gestures. Does not include song lyrics.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
A bad guy smokes.
People drink in a bar.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
People are pursued with the intent of being killed.